The Elephant’s Memory

[Elephant’s Memory – Alphabet]

Since we are also interested in altervative and augmentative communication, we still kind of like this KHM project, called The Elephant’s Memory. A pictorial language consisting of more than a hundred and a fifty combinable graphic elements (pictograms and ideograms), primarily meant to be a learning and exploration tool towards children, concerning the concept of language.

[“Seeing elephants shot by men makes me cry”]

[“I am so happy that you are pregnant”]

Although it is not as elaborated as BLISS, and it seems to contain typografical confusions concerning the line weight/stroke width or the reading direction, it still enables users (e.g. children, their families and educators) to encourage dialogue and creativity. A project to bridge cultures, and build transitional spaces between “natural” languages.

About designabilities

DESIGNABILITIES is an open-access journal established since 2009, managed and edited by....
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